The Hidden Cost of SEO vs. Clear Cost of PPC

Ana Milanova-Lindsey
July 18, 2024
Digital Strategy

One of the biggest SEO vs. PPC myths lurking amongst online marketing strategies is the notion that SEO is an inherently free marketing tool, while PPC is based solely on your marketing budget and investment.It is true that your Google Ads results are directly linked to the dollars spent on your campaigns. It's no secret that when you stop fueling the pay-per-click advertising through platforms like Google or Facebook, you will be immediately cut off from new views or clicks on your current campaigns.SEO, on the other hand, is often touted as the organic "free" approach and alternative to PPC advertising, but this is a bit of a deceptive concept because SEO also requires long-term investment to be successful.

Why SEO Is Not Really Free

Organic traffic, high-quality leads, and stable performance are the goals of a well-designed website and successful marketing strategy for your business. However, the reality is that most business owners are not well versed in optimizing their website and online presence to achieve these results consistently.

In many cases, businesses make the mistake of treating SEO as a one-time expense and investment. They hire a team of digital marketing professionals to revamp their site and set them up for success. They identify the best keywords and map out content to boost their online presence and relevance.While this is a great start, this is not the end all be all of SEO success. SEO requires that you build on your offerings and content in order to remain visible to your base.

Don't Turn Your Back on Content

In order to have a successful SEO strategy, businesses must continue to provide high-quality content to their customers and leads.

The creation and distribution of high-quality content consistently are far from free. Content that attracts relevant audiences and stirs interest costs money to develop. You must invest in your blogs, articles, videos, podcasts, webinars, and infographics to continue to succeed in SEO.The competition for ranking is fierce in the organic search results arena. Stale content gets pushed down the ranks quickly, and before you know it, your site is outperformed and outranked. This, in turn, leads to decreases in traffic, a drop in leads, and, ultimately, a decline in sales.Setting aside a marketing budget for content creation can give your business the online boost you are looking for. The hunger for online content is never-ending. Providing your audience high quality, informative, and appealing content will keep your website and business relevant and present against your competitors and within your industry.

Keep your content fresh, updated, and consistent to build and grow your SEO results over time.

PPC & SEO Work Best Together

The battle between SEO and PPC can go back and forth until the end of time. A well-rounded digital marketing strategy will integrate both digital marketing options to bring you the highest quality traffic and leads.The truth is there is no get out of jail free card when it comes to marketing your business online, whether it is SEO or PPC, there will always be a cost associated.Consult with your digital marketing team to create a balanced and well-designed marketing strategy focusing on the delivery of high-quality content for your audience.

Learn more about how PPC advertising can work along with SEO and content to grow your brand, as well as the latest PPC trends to consider when developing the best online marketing strategy for your business.

Ana Milanova-Lindsey

Head of Content

I lead the Content team and make sure the content you create is worth the effort. I help you grow and nourish your audience, and make users convert.