Make SaaS Landing Pages That Convert: This Is How

Maggie Andreeva
July 18, 2024

A landing page is all about showing how your SaaS product helps users solve a problem. Designing the perfect SaaS landing page is crucial but not always easy – it takes research, testing, and creativity.We’ve done hundreds of high-performing landing pages, so now we’ll show you how to create a SaaS landing page that converts!

Make Your Product the Star in the Hero Image/Video

The header image on your landing page is the first thing people see – make the most of this and showcase your SaaS solution. It helps if people see it in action. Make a use case video or show specific features, keep it short, and pack a punch.

People process visuals and video content much faster than text, so the hero visuals will set the tone for their entire experience on the landing page.

You may be thinking that people who are landing on this page have already seen your product’s video ads and know a little something about your SaaS solution. Still, a landing page is designed with a specific purpose — to convert visitors into leads. Make sure you make the SaaS product the star of that page.

Personalize Your Landing Page Content

Any SaaS solution starts with a problem. How your brand solves the problem for your ideal customer is at the heart of a landing page.To get that message across, be as specific and clear as possible. Yet it’s never one-size-fits-all with landing pages.When designing, keep your ideal customer in mind – their user journey, needs, and wants. Which features do they care about? How do they search for your SaaS solution? What would influence their purchase decisions?

Create separate pages for all your ideal customers and map out the features, use cases, and reviews that are relevant to each of them.For example, we customized 20+ pages for one of our SaaS clients, the music software provider Output, to represent different music genres and plugins.

Use Action Verbs in Your Headlines

Including verbs in your headlines can turn them into calls-to-action. What’s more, it makes the user imagine using your product. It’s a simple trick – use headlines not only to give information but also to invite readers to experience your product.

Here’s an example. Almost every landing page would have a section describing the specific SaaS product features. Common headlines are “Key Features” or just “Features.”

Next time when you’re writing a copy for your landing page, try out something like “Explore Our Features” or “Save Time/Money with Our Key Features.” Do an A/B test and compare conversion rates – we promise better results!

Keep the Call-to-Action Buttons Consistent

Try not to mix call-to-action buttons with different messaging or leading your users to different pages (conversion paths). If you want to show them a demo, create a page specifically designed for that. If you want them to convert, lead them to the buying page.

Stick to one CTA button and one conversion path per page. This way, you’ll avoid distraction or even confusion in some cases, and your users will remain focused and convert easier and faster.

Show, Don’t Tell Product Benefits

People would scan your page quickly and rarely read through everything. You want them to know how they can benefit from your product, so grab their attention!Design it to pop-up, include icons and short headlines to each benefit, so the user can capture the most important information quickly.

Stay away from generic copy – show how your SaaS product solves a specific problem. Use data and statistics, be specific, and keep it real.

For example, for another SaaS client with a kid’s coding app, codeSpark, we focused both on the benefits of using the app + the skills kids can develop by using it.

See the full page here

Simplify the How It Works Section

People prefer simple things. The more straight-forward your “How It Works” section is, the better. It will convince the user that your product is easy to use, hence worth testing it out. What can they possibly lose by starting a free trial right away?

The Importance of Pricing Section

Most SaaS products have free trial periods, and most landing pages focus on making the users start a free trial. Since they’re offering their product for free (for a limited time), they don’t always include a pricing section.Still, having a pricing section or at least mentioning your product’s price is crucial on a landing page. Most people won’t make a purchase even if it’s a free trial if they don’t know the cost of the product. Make sure to include phrases like “Cancel anytime” and “No charges today.”Some brands are even offering free trials without credit card information needed because most people bounce off the conversion path on that step.

Why You Need A/B Testing

We like to think that we know our buyer’s personas, and we can predict how people will interact with our content. But the truth is, we don’t always know.Sometimes a simple change like the CTA button color can improve the conversion rate significantly. That’s why continually testing messaging, colors, sections arrangements, different testimonials, or hero image versus video can continuously improve your conversion rate over time.

A/B Test Your Offers

As a SaaS company, you might be offering a free trial to users. The trial period can vary from 7 days to 30 days or even longer, depending on the different products. You need to analyze which offer works best for you.For example, you might want to have a permanent free trial option for 7 days but on specific occasions to promote extended free trial periods.People are busy. Seeing that they will have just a few days to test something might make them bounce off your page and return when they have more time... or never think of your SaaS product again. Giving them more time to experience your product might make them convert today.

Don’t Forget to Include Testimonials and Partners

People like to know that they’re making the right decision. When they’re landing on your page, they’re thinking about buying or not your product. You need to convince them to hit your conversion button.

There’s no better way to do so than showing them proof that people are happy using your product and made the right decision when purchasing it.

On the codeSpark page, for example, we’ve included two types of testimonials (from a parent and a teacher), and sections on awards and press coverage. As most parents are very selective about apps their kids will interact with, we wanted to showcase the trustworthiness and value of codeSpark’s app via independent and authoritative reviews.

See the full page here

Ride the Design Trends

Your product is SaaS, that’s already modern! People expect to see bold design and visuals that represent your brand's innovative thinking. From your brand’s logo to the footer of your pages, your design should demonstrate that you’ve created something cool, useful, and easy to use.Use white or negative space to get the main message across and keep your visitors focused on what’s important. Keep your landing page design simple and clean – visual clutter will not help the user experience.

Don’t Ignore SEO

When we’re talking about web pages and digital marketing, search engine optimization always comes first. Even if you’re going to show your landing page only through ads, the page needs to reflect what people are searching for.

Monitor Your Landing Page’s Performance

Analyzing the performance of anything digital marketing related is a must. Keep a close eye on how the landing page performs, re-evaluate, and tweak for better results. Is the lead form too long. Are people bouncing off at a specific section? Edit to make the conversion process easier and smoother.In the end, a landing page is where the results of all your SaaS marketing work are being decided. Put your best foot forward, then measure, analyze, and adjust.

How Many Landing Pages Should You Create?

When we research SaaS companies, it often comes as a surprise how many of them still use their homepage for their paid search campaigns. We see all the time that one of the biggest optimization opportunities for clients is to start building out a robust landing page program on platforms such as Instapage or Unbounce.

You can create templates, use headlines and sub-headlines that precisely speak to the searcher's query, you can swap in unique copy and imagery to support the headline, and do a granular matching of search intent that way.

When it's all rolled out, you may have dozens or hundreds of stand-alone unique landing pages that are aligned with every single ad group in your campaign across your account.

It’s only for branded search terms when it's safe to assume that the searcher's intent is navigational, and therefore makes sense to point those clicks to the homepage.

For non-branded search queries, your default should be to use standalone landing pages where you can nail the search intent in the headline, copy, UX, creative, and call-to-action.

Ready for more?

See how SaaS companies can decide on marketing budgets by measuring the true return on ad spend (ROAS). This will help you focus on the right channels to promote your landing pages.

Maggie Andreeva

Lead Designer

I design what people see on their screens. Including what you're looking at now.