How to Repurpose and Promote Your Podcast Content: 14 Tactics to Try

Vesselina Levkova
September 2, 2024
Content Marketing

Podcasting is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to consume content. Millions of people tune in to their favorite shows every day. Only in 2023, there were 464.7 million podcast listeners worldwide, according to a study published by Demandsage.

With so many podcasts out there, it gets harder and harder to stand out and lure more eager ears to your show.

As a podcaster, you know how much effort goes into producing a single episode. You spend hours researching, recording, editing, and publishing your content.

However, creating a podcast episode is only half the battle.

The real challenge is how can you capture the ever-shrinking attention span of the audience? How can you add your voice to this booming podcast industry?

Podcast Promotion with Podcast Content Repurposing

Podcasting is like diving into a vast ocean of knowledge. Each episode is a pearl waiting to be discovered. But to make it successful, you need to promote it effectively. 

How? By repurposing your podcast content.

Repurposing your podcast means taking the content you’ve already created and turning it into new formats to reach more audiences on different platforms. 

But before starting your podcast promotion efforts, it's crucial to identify your target audience. Understanding who your ideal listeners are will help you tailor your messaging and choose the most effective channels to reach them. Consider their demographics, interests, and preferences when determining your target audience.

Despite the increasing popularity of podcasts, the competition in the podcasting space is fierce. With new shows launching every day, simply creating great content is not enough to attract listeners. This is why knowing your audience and utilizing podcast promotion with content repurposing can help you increase your visibility and make your podcast discoverable in a saturated market.

Apart from repurposing your content, search engine optimization (SEO) techniques can also help you improve the discoverability of your podcast. By optimizing your show's title, description, and episode titles with relevant keywords, you can increase the chances of your podcast appearing in search results when people are looking for content in your niche.

By continuously promoting your podcast and exploring new avenues to connect with your target audience, you can build a strong foundation for long-term success in the podcasting world.

Why Repurpose Your Podcast Content?

Having a podcast requires a significant investment of time and resources. But if you only publish your content in one format and platform, you’re limiting its potential reach and return on investment.

According to a survey conducted by ReferralRock, an overwhelming 94% of the surveyed marketers repurpose their content, highlighting the importance of content repurposing.

Repurposing your podcast content allows you to reach new audiences, extend the life of your content, and drive traffic to your website.

How to Repurpose Your Podcast Content

To help you breathe new life into your episodes, here are 14 ways to repurpose and promote your podcast content:

  1. Transcribe your podcast episodes
  2. Write a blog post about the episode
  3. Create video highlights
  4. Create quote graphics
  5. Create infographics
  6. Create audiograms or audio clips
  7. Write show notes
  8. Co-create content with your guest
  9. Be a guest on other podcasts
  10. Use polls to engage your audience
  11. Create guest spotlight posts
  12. Share behind-the-scenes footage
  13. Create teaser trailers
  14. Share additional resources mentioned
  15. Bonus: convert listeners into leads with special content

Our Marketing Specialist at Hop Online and the Paris Talks Marketing Podcast’s Producer, Desislava Arnaudova, has summarized her favorite podcast repurposing tactics in her LinkedIn post:

How Do You Identify Which Content You Should Repurpose First?

The best approach to identify which content you should repurpose first is to find out which episode or topic holds the most value for your listeners. You can do this by analyzing your existing content or conducting audience surveys.

Use your podcast hosting platform’s analytics and look through the numbers. See which episodes have been listened to the most, which topics your audience interacts with the most, and which episodes generate the most comments or social media engagement. You can use this data to repurpose content from the episodes that your audience has already resonated with.

But do not limit yourself only to old episodes. Repurpose new episodes as they launch too.

1. Transcribe Your Podcast Episodes

The first step towards repurposing your podcast episode is to have its transcript. You can turn your audio into written content, which can be used for repurposing in a variety of ways.

Once you transcribe your episode, you can share the transcript on your podcast's website or episode’s description. This way, you will cater to people who have a preference for reading over listening. And you will be accessible to a wider audience by making your show available in other formats.

If you want to make your transcription process a breeze, use a tool like Descript. This tool will automatically transcribe your episodes. Then you can use the transcript to highlight the parts you find the most valuable throughout the episode that can be transformed into quotes, video highlights, or other content types.

Here is an example of a highlighted transcript from one of our own episodes of the Paris Talks Marketing podcast:

Within the transcript of the episode in Descript, we have identified and highlighted specific sections that hold value for repurposing. Then, we added comments on the right, suggesting the ideal content format for these segments. In this instance, we have labeled them as video highlight teasers.

From there, you can also choose which segments to use as quotes, carousels, or infographics and highlight them in the transcript. By highlighting these chosen segments, you can easily keep track of your repurposing ideas while listening to the entire episode. This process ensures that you have your ideas recorded alongside the transcript, ready to be transformed into repurposed content pieces. 

Bottom line, your highlighted segments help you easily identify the most valuable pieces of your conversation, no matter when you look at the transcript. What’s left afterward is to cut these segments into short videos or images. Descript turns the heavy editing and repurposing work into a smooth-sailing process.

2. Write a Blog Post About the Episode

Another great way to repurpose and promote your podcast content is to write a blog post about the episode. You can use the transcript of your episode to write a summary or key takeaways from the conversation. There are a lot of AI tools that can create show notes and short blog articles for you, such as Podium and Deciphr.

Repurposing your episodes into a blog article also provides SEO value.

The valuable content will provide multiple entry points for potential listeners who may find your blog article via search before they even get to your podcast. Additionally, you can include links to the episode’s podcast players, which can help drive traffic directly from the blog post back to your podcast. 

You'll have additional content to promote on your website and social media channels. And as a bonus, you can ask your guests’ company website to link back to your blog article for SEO benefits.

Discover how to build a content marketing strategy and write engaging, search-engine-friendly content in our article.

3. Create Video Highlights

Video is an incredibly popular content format. According to HubSpot's "State of Video Marketing" 2023 report, the demand for video content from consumers is growing, and video marketing has become a key tool for marketers.

To tap into the power of video with your podcast content, consider creating more visual content from your episodes. You can use video editing tools like Descript to create 2-3 video highlights featuring your guest on some of the most important topics discussed throughout the episode. Our experience has shown that videos no longer than 1-2 minutes achieve the most engagement on social media.

To fuel your podcast's growth, you need to establish a presence on the channels where your target audience is the most. For instance, if your audience is on LinkedIn, you can create a LinkedIn showcase page for your podcast. You can use the page to promote repurposed content from your episodes in the form of short videos or guest quote images.

 You can even promote these bite-sized videos and images in your email newsletter campaign.

In addition, you can enhance the reach of your social media video posts by setting aside some budget for paid ads to boost engagement and brand awareness. Even with a smaller weekly budget, like $100-$150, you can still attract new listeners. Understand more about how to advertise on social media in our guide.

If you want to amplify your podcast’s visibility and reach, find where your audience spends their time, and make sure you are also there to connect with them.

4. Create Quote Graphics

If your guest mentions something insightful or quotable, you can create quote graphics to promote it on social media.

With tools like Canva or Adobe Express (Spark), you can easily create visually appealing graphics with quotes from your guests.

Here is an example of a quote image we created for one of our podcast guests with the help of Canva:

5. Create Infographics

If your guest shared some step-by-step processes, any insightful tips on how to do something, or you just want to show key points from the episode, turn those into infographics.

Infographics serve as an effective visual tool to convey a lot of information concisely and engagingly. And they can be repurposed across various channels, including social media platforms, your website, and even email marketing campaigns.

Here is an example of our infographic:

6. Create Audiograms or Audio Clips

Audiograms are a great way to promote your podcast episodes on social media. They are short audio clips that feature a highlight from your episode along with a visual graphic.

You can use tools like Headliner or Descript to create audiograms that you can share on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube.

7. Write Show Notes

Show notes are a written summary of your podcast episode, and they're a great way to provide additional value to your listeners. You can also include timestamps to easily navigate the listener to the topic they're most interested in checking out. 

With the advancement of AI technology, you can also make use of ChatGPT and feed it the highlights of your transcript or your most important topics. It will write an episode summary or show notes for you.

Tools like Capsho, Deciphr, and Podium can also help you write show notes if you’re short on time or are in the pursuit of automating processes.

8. Co-Create Content with Your Guest

Another way to promote your podcast is to encourage your guests to share their thoughts about their episode on your podcast across their own social media profiles.

This is a great way to tap into your influential guest’s network and co-create content together. This way, you can extend the reach of your podcast to their followers too.

9. Be a Guest on Other Podcasts

You can pitch the host of your podcast as a guest on external podcasts. By doing so, the host can introduce his show and its content to their listeners.

This opportunity can benefit both him and your podcast by expanding their reach to a fresh audience and positioning the host as an authority in the field. 

Joseph Lewin shares more on how to establish credibility as a podcast host in our Paris Talks Marketing show:

Being featured on another podcast can also help open up opportunities for collaborations with other content creators.

Here is how to pitch your host:

  1. Research potential podcasts that align with your host's expertise and your podcast's theme. Listen to a few episodes to understand their style and audience.
  1. Create a concise and personalized pitch and clearly explain why your host would be a great guest. Highlight your host's unique perspective, expertise, and any notable achievements or experiences. Mention specific episodes or topics from the target podcast where your host can provide value and explain how your host can contribute to those areas.
  1. Prepare a media kit or a guest one-pager for your host that includes his brief bio, headshot, summary of his topics, and other podcast appearances. Here is our CEO’s guest one-pager:
  1. If you don't hear back within a week or two, send a polite follow-up email. Podcasters are often busy, so a gentle reminder can be helpful.
  1. If appropriate, offer to feature the host or members of their team on your podcast in return. This can create a mutually beneficial relationship.

The goal is to make a strong case for why your host would be an interesting and valuable guest for their podcast, while also respecting their time and format.

10. Use Polls to Engage Your Audience

Polls are an easy and fun way to get feedback from your audience on which topics they enjoyed the most and what they would like to hear more about. You can use polls to gain insights into what topics you should explore in future episodes, or even ask for guest suggestions.

11. Create Guest Spotlight Posts

Highlight your guest’s expertise with a spotlight post to generate excitement for their upcoming appearance on your podcast. Publish the spotlight post prior to the episode’s release to give the guest some exposure and create anticipation for their episode.

You can create a static image with their biography or main insight and picture to help viewers put a face to the voice when they hear the episode.

Here’s an example:

12. Share Behind-the-Scenes Footage

Record and share behind-the-scenes footage of your podcast recording process, such as bloopers, funny moments, or reactions. 

In our Paris Talks Marketing podcast, we like to ask a couple of “Rapid Fire Questions” at the end of the recording session with the guest. We usually use this section to create a “funny moments” video that we promote on our social media channels. One of our favorites is the “Kiss, Marry and Kill” marketing challenge. We repurposed our guests’ responses: we mixed and matched some of our guests’ responses together, and they loved it:

You can also add these as extra content in the show notes of each episode or even upload them to YouTube as a separate playlist.

13. Create Teaser Trailers

Produce teaser trailers for upcoming episodes and share them on social media to generate buzz and anticipation. Teaser trailers are a great way to give listeners an exciting preview of what’s to come.

You can show snippets of your guests appearing on the episode or the host asking tough questions your audience wants to know the answers to.

When creating teaser trailers, it’s important to keep them short and sweet in order to draw in listeners and make them interested enough to want to dive deeper into the content.

14. Share Additional Resources

Guest experts often share valuable resources like books, podcasts, tools, or websites throughout the recording session. While these resources may come up as a natural part of the conversation, it’s a great idea to share them on social media afterward.

This provides added value to your audience and helps to direct them to the content they may be interested in.

15. Bonus: Transform Listeners into Leads with Special Content

Depending on the goal of your podcast, you may want to attract some leads for your business with it.

One way to use podcast episodes to generate leads is to create special content (lead magnet) specifically designed to draw in potential customers. This can include creating a downloadable whitepaper or a guide that features the best tips and strategies from your podcast episodes. Once you repurpose the content into this whitepaper, you can allocate a portion of your advertising budget to promote it.

Another idea is to turn your podcast episodes into e-books or guides. This can be a great lead magnet to grow your email list.

You can also make the host advertise the company’s products or services and record this in 30-second audio content. Use this recording in the middle of your episode as a break or as an episode outro. Make sure to include a specific call-to-action at the end of this audio, such as “book a discovery call”, “book a demo,” or “use our product discount.”

Additionally, you can create a podcast mini-series that introduces the product or service to listeners.

Use a Podcast Content Calendar for Distribution

Now that you have repurposed all of this content, it’s time to spread the word about it! Plan posts for your social media channels. You can use tools like ClickUp to create your own social media calendar and easily plan the posts you want to publish throughout the week.

Here is an example of our own social media calendar in ClickUp, which we use for all of our social media channels:

We use different colors to mark the status of the planned post: brown - if it needs a social media copy, blue - if it’s ready to go live, and green - when it’s published. There are different fields, like account and channel, which help us see where the post needs to be published.

You can also check out our favorite podcast management tools to make your podcast production and editing flow easier.

As you can see, repurposing your podcast content can be a great way to reach new audiences and drive traffic to your podcast. Remember to be consistent with your promotion efforts and always provide valuable content for your audience. 

But what if you don't have the time, resources, or expertise to handle all of this on your own? 

Our all-in-one podcast production service, which includes podcast launch, strategy, and ongoing promotion, takes the stress and hassle out of the process. Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, our team is here to help you succeed. We have experience producing high-quality podcasts, and we know what it takes to create content that resonates with audiences.

Take your podcast to the next level. Contact us today!

Or read more about investing in an audio strategy.

Author: Desislava Arnaudova, Marketing Specialist at Hop Online and Podcast Producer at Paris Talks Marketing

Vesselina Levkova

Content Strategist / Copywriter

I am a digital storyteller helping brands enhance their online presence through content marketing.