Types of Landing Pages You Must Have On Your SaaS Website

Paris Childress
July 18, 2024

By now, the importance of having a well-designed website is ingrained in the thought process of every SaaS marketer worth their salt. But what many may fail to note is just how important it is to go further than the homepage, features page, and pricing page.

While these pages are a must for converting sophisticated buyers, creating content for users that may not yet be aware of a pain point is vital for improving the overall conversion rate of your site.A great way to start is to design relevant persona pages and use case pages.

Persona Pages for SaaS Websites

Some of the most efficient SaaS websites function as mirrors. They allow users to see themselves in the business’s product or service, relate to them, and, in turn, help reduce bounce rate and boost engagement.

Persona pages are a wonderful way to let visitors see themselves on your site and help them quickly self-identify with their particular role in the organization or even their job title.

Creating persona pages – and helping users self-identify easily from your site's main navigation – is extremely useful for showing how your SaaS product can benefit people in that role.

SaaS Use Case Pages

Use case pages, sometimes referred to as industry pages, paint a picture of a specific problem or pain point that is universal within a particular industry.

Unlike the persona pages, use case pages aim to help prospects self-identify with the industry or the problem they’re experiencing.

So, why does this work? For one, use case pages allow you to focus on exactly what each of your target segments wants to hear.

By splitting your product or service by use cases, you can hone in on relevant and highly personalized content.Use case pages further let visitors quickly see your SaaS product as a holistic solution for their entire organization. In fact, the more users relate to the use case, the more likely they are to introduce the product to decision-makers in other departments within their company.

What Makes a High-Performing SaaS Landing Page?

When your business is taking off, a homepage refresh could be a viable first step to maximizing and monetizing the conversion value of all the branded traffic. However, in order to turn traffic into conversions, you will need a strong, standalone landing page.

Although SaaS landing pages have come a long way over the past decade, marketing software can still be a rather tough nut to crack, especially for brands that are targeting a very specific niche.

Learning how to create a winning SaaS landing page isn’t rocket science, but it does require some creativity, research, and testing.

Whether you’re building a persona page or a use case page, here’s a few tips that will help you design a landing page that converts more traffic:

  • Include authentic visuals or video content in the header
  • Create personalized content (e.g. relevant features, use cases, reviews)
  • Zero in on a single goal/call-to-action
  • Use data and statistics to show product benefits
  • A/B test the landing page (e.g. the messaging, colors, section arrangements)

Another crucial factor to keep in mind is the landing page copy. Great copy has the power to bridge the gap between prospect and customer, making it one of the most critical elements on your landing page.

Together with a killer design, landing page copywriting can build excitement in the prospect and entice them to stick around and take the desired action.

Take Your SaaS Landing Page From Good to Great

As always, the user’s experience with your business is just as important as the product or service you’re offering. People don’t just want a sale; they want to enjoy the buying experience from start to finish.

Create content that answers their practical questions, helps them resolve issues, and speaks to their needs -- both on your landing pages, and in your SaaS content marketing calendar.

Understanding the customer journey – and making customer interactions enjoyable and productive – will help ensure you’re providing a seamless, world-class user experience.

Above all, remember that when building an effective landing page strategy, aligning content and the user’s search intent is key. In our blog, discover how to map landing pages to the buyer’s journey and move prospects closer to conversion.

Paris Childress

CEO & Founder

My job is to match talented, motivated marketers with high-growth companies, arm teams for success, and then get out of the way.
