2015 Ecommerce Marketing Roundup

Delcho Stanimirov
July 18, 2024
Digital Strategy

2015 was a busy year for us here at Hop Online. I’m sure it was an intense one for you as well. Since we didn’t get a chance to publish our regular roundup post during December, we decided to create a summarized roundup for the whole of 2015 and take a good look at how ecommerce marketing, in particular, finished up the year.

After all, even if we don’t all work at e-commerce ventures, we definitely cross paths with them often enough to be affected by what they’re doing.

So, we’ve gathered up the very best of our favorite reads these couple of months, for a quick look into the last “new” e-commerce trends of 2015, that’ll be paving the way for what’s to come in 2016.

The Personalization of Shopping

5 Ways to Design Personalized Shopping Experiences in Your Store

Ever wonder how to turn browsers into buyers? Anneke van Aswegen get you covered with a thorough piece on how creating personalized on-site experiences leads to increased website engagement, and facilitates visitors’ decision-making process, which then affects overall sales.

7 Not-So-Typical Ways to Make Your First Ecommerce Sales

You’ve launched an online shop. Good. So now what? Kaloyan Yankulov explains what the initial steps of making online sales are, and gives you a detailed look at the strategies that will jumpstart your online business.

8 Shopping Habits of Millennials All Retailers Need to Know About

Millennials is a word I don’t really like, althought I’m a Millennial too. However now Gen-Yers (as they’re also known) are becoming the driving force behind sales and trends alike. Peter Gasca explains why targeting Millenials matters, what their buying habits are, and how to effectively capture their attention.

9 ‘Naughty or Nice’ SEO Practices

We all know the good practices, but it’s worth talking about the bad ones as well. Why? Because sometimes in our pursuit of success we unintentionally make errors, that often cost us dearly, and hurt our business efforts. To end the year (successfully) Jill Kocher gave us a list of really useful tips on what and what not to do. Folks, take notes.

How Blogger Outreach Can Help You Grow Your Ecommerce Business

Blogger outreach is a big part of my everyday duties. So, I was thrilled when I read Casandra Campbell‘s article on the subject. The piece gets right to the point of why we need blogger outreach, and how to properly conduct it. Plus, it’s full of great examples. Great read for marketers, advertisers and PRs alike.

Ecommerce: Age of Mobile

Introduction to M-Commerce: Benefits of M-Commerce

2015 made it crystal clear that if you want to run a successfull online shop, you gotta invest a lot into mobile. Kuba Jeziorny gives us the nitty-gritty of mobile commerce, and why it matters to ecommerce marketers.

Cracking Mobile Commerce Myths

By know you’ve learned the importance of mobile ecommerce. In case you still have doubts, you should read Linda Bustos‘s insightful article on some of the most common myths about mobile ecommerce. Hey, do you know that your parents are also using mobile devices to purchase stuff? Don’t sleep on this huge opportunity to grow your business.

Trends of the Trade

2015: The Year of Intelligence

If 2015 taught us something, is that when conducting business, now more than ever, intelligence matters. Or, as Denis Pombriant put it: intelligence brings relevance.

10 Eye-Opening Ecommerce Trends for 2015 and Beyond

2015 saw a change of how we conduct business online. From personalized, big-data driver marketing to multi-social networking services, here are just some of the trends Catalin Zorzini observed last year. Mind you, we’ll be seeing them in 2016 as well.

5 Ecommerce Content Marketing Trends for 2016

New year, new trends. We’ve already seen some of these being a thing in 2015, but as Armando Roggio points out, we’ll be hearing a lot more about content (both written and video) in the ecommerce field.

Five Rules for Content Marketers in 2016

Loni Stark summarizes perfectly the current state of content marketing, and what it’ll look like in 2016. Overall, less is more when it comes to content length; design and optimization trump quantity; relevancy and authenticity are the way forward. There’s also a beautiful infographic to feast your eyes upon.

Blast from the Past

Proceed to Checkout: The Unexpected Story of How Ecommerce Started

How many of you know how ecommerce came to be? I didn’t. Unlike Tucker Schreiber‘s other articles, this one doesn’t talk about future trends or best practices. Instead it traces the evolution of ecommerce as we know it today. And believe it or not, it all started with the famous singer Sting…

Making the Shift from 2015 to 2016

2015 may very well be called the year of mobile.

We saw how marketing efforts shifted more towards mobile-friendly content, and more resources have been spent into optimizing businesses to meet that requirement. We couldn’t help but notice the rise of the Millennials, the driving force behind today’s online commerce.

But some businesses are finding it difficult to join that conversation. The reign of Content is still undisputed, as content in various forms (and on different channels) is being created daily. If you’re not on board the content ship, it’s high time you come around. It’s not going anywhere… Brand storytelling and video will most likely define content in the new year, as well.

At the end of the day, people like good stories. Give them one, and they’ll buy from you. Just remember: be sincere and authentic. At the end it’s all that ever matters.

Delcho Stanimirov

Head of Paid Media

I lead the PPC and Analytics teams. My professional goals are happy clients and colleagues. Also I love numbers, charts, and data-driven decisions.
