Technical SEO Audit to Skyrocket Your SERP Performance

Pave the way for solid and continuous organic growth for your website with a Technical SEO Audit. It will give you an overview of all the technical issues that may be preventing your site from ranking well in search engines.

The Technical SEO Audit will identify all of your site's issues

Get to know exactly what technical SEO problems need fixing. Our technical audits will find, diagnose, and suggest detailed fixes for:

Indexation and Crawlability

Make sure a search engine can access your web page, crawl and add it to its index.  If search engines can't crawl your site, they can't index your pages, and they can't rank your pages in search results.


A technical SEO Audit can help you identify and fix any page speed issues, such as large image files or poorly optimized code. Improve how fast the content loads and bring users a positive experience with your website.

Site Structure and Internal Linking

The audit can help you identify and fix any internal linking issues, such as missing links or links that point to the wrong pages. Learn how to improve your site’s architecture so users can navigate it better.

and UX

A well-optimized website is easier for users to navigate and use, which can lead to higher engagement rates and more conversions. Follow our suggestions on UX to improve your SEO performance.

Solutions to technical website problems

Pages are not being indexed

A lot of websites make the mistake of neglecting indexation optimization, which is why their pages are struggling to rank and their visibility on SERP is low. Focus on fixing indexation issues to avoid the common pitfall.

We can fix indexation issues by: 

  • Optimizing the crawl budget to make sure Google can visit all important pages
  • Using robots meta tags the right way (noindex unnecessary pages) 
  • Optimizing sitemap
  • Canonicals check
  • JS blocking issues check, orphan pages check, and more
Page loading issues

Fast-loading pages are the baseline of healthy SEO performance. While users' location, device, browser, and internet connection are beyond your control, there’s a lot on your domain that can help improve your site speed.

Some of our suggestions include:

  • Lazy loading for images
  • Caching
  • Unnecessary code removal
  • Eliminating loop redirects
  • Video and images optimizations
Conversions are low, bounce rate is high

While optimizing the website with the right keywords and improving loading speed and technical issues are crucial, user experience is also a big factor in improving conversions. Do you see engagement rates dropping?

Often this speaks of a UX issue. The tech audit will show whether there are intrusive interstitials or if the site architecture needs improving. We’ll look into the user’s journey and your site’s responsiveness to suggest relevant fixes.

Cannibalization and duplication 

Discover duplicate H1s, title tags, duplicate pages, and more elements that prevent you from ranking at a higher position. The audit will show whether there’s cannibalization, which means that two or more of your pages are competing against each other on the SERP.

If Google finds two pages with the same H1s and title tags, it will consider them duplicates even though their content may differ. Our suggestions will help you avoid cannibalization and duplication issues.

No size fits all, but this is what the first 12 weeks look like

01 Month

SEO Risks
and Opportunities

We analyze your current performance to find quick wins and fix critical issues. The Technical SEO Audit will identify any obstacles to organic growth. The Content SEO Audit will pave the road to getting more SERP real estate and attracting relevant audiences. The Backlink Audit will show us toxic links and put an outreach strategy on the table.

02 Month

Turn Insights into

Roll up the sleeves and start implementing action items. We validate implementation results and monitor how your changes affect traffic and visibility. Link building kicks off to get your money pages boosted. Plus, we can build on the audit findings and map out a content strategy that will determine what sort of content we’ll be producing for long-lasting organic growth.

03 Month

Safeguard Against SERP Volatility

Your organic competitors never sleep, and SEO wins should be defended monthly. We track your website’s ongoing SEO health, hygiene, and competitive rankings. With SEO Health Monitoring, we suggest and prioritize recommendations and work with your devs on implementation.

Some tactics you’ll see us using 

Our Technical SEO Audit checklist covers 64 items including:

Robots.txt check
Sitemap health check
Internal linking check
Crawl budget
Canonical tags
Javascript check
Hreflang tags
Redirect loops
Orphan pages
Underscore URLs
Structured data errors
Missing schema markup
404 errors
Insecure content
Core Web Vitals check
Missing meta titles
Duplicate titles
Duplicate page check
Missing H1s
Thin content check
...and more


What is a Technical SEO Audit?

It’s an analysis of the technical aspects of your website. Technical SEO is fundamental for any website.

How important is a Technical SEO Audit?

Without good Technical SEO, your website might as well be invisible to Google and your desired audience. The audit can show you whether Google can crawl, index, and rank your service pages and blog pages.

What are the benefits of your Technical Audit service?

You’ll get your website checked across 64 technical items. All of them will have a priority assigned, so you’ll know what to fix first and what can be done in a longer period.

How long does the Technical SEO Audit for my website take?

Between 2-3 weeks.

When will I see the results?

The results depend on the SEO  issues we are trying to solve with the audit. The fastest way to see results is to work on the highest priority suggestions. By fixing those, your website’s performance will be quick to improve.

Do I need to give you access to my GSC and GA?

Yes, we’d need access to both your GSC and GA4 for a comprehensive Technical Audit. The more information we have the better analysis and SEO suggestions we can create. For the Free Express SEO Audit, we don't need access to your GSC and GA4 since will be only looking at the 20 most common SEO issues and are just looking at the tip of the iceberg.

Will I be able to fix page speed issues with this audit?

You will see the major issues that prevent your pages from fast loading along with actionable advice on what to do to fix them.  Most of the issues require developers’ help. Our team has experience in working together with our client's dev teams to tackle these issues and solve them as quickly as possible.

Are you implementing improvements?

We can work both with your dev team or onboard a partnering dev agency. Some of the improvements can be done by our team but the majority of technical issues require dev help.