Reviving Facebook Ad ROI with Tailored Strategies

We transformed Synchro Arts' Facebook Ads performance through dedicated effort and close collaboration, doubling revenue and increasing purchases within months.
Paid Social
2x return on ad spend‍
30% increase in conversion volume
5x Reduction in Platform Costs

Our Approach:

After taking over the account in July 2022, we employed a data-driven strategy. We tailored marketing campaigns and timed promotions to boost purchases and aimed for at least a 200% return on investment. Our focus was on refining ongoing campaigns and planning carefully for each promotion, using insights and analyses from past campaigns.

Here are some of our winning tactics:

Localizing the user experience

We carried out thorough geographical analyses to identify high-potential markets. Then, we translated ads and tailored landing pages for local audiences. This led to a better conversion rate, surpassing the previous year’s performance.

Increasing the creative refresh rate

Collaborating with Synchro Art’s creative team, we doubled the frequency of creative updates, prioritizing new creative variations and testing elements like colors, messaging, and formats to keep our audience engaged. Exclusive deals, offers, and incentives motivated users, driving up purchases.

Mixing awareness with retargeting

We transitioned our overarching strategy from a sole focus on bottom-of-the-funnel conversions to a more holistic approach, intertwining awareness campaigns with bottom-of-the-funnel retargeting. We launched a video views campaign, optimizing for ThruPlays, designed to educate users about the products using thoughtfully curated content to spark their interest. We followed this with remarketing ads for users who had viewed at least half the video, catering to them at different points in their buyer journey.

Experimenting with broader audiences

We tested different audience groups and added new segments regularly. One tactic which proved to be successful was to combine specific industry interests like digital audio stations and music genres (like dance and rock) with wider interests like Soundcloud. By leveraging demographic data, interests, behaviors, and past purchase history, we identified the best audiences for the different regions and improved performance.

Maximizing promotional periods

Synchro Arts periodically rolled out product promotions, typically spanning a month’s duration. After testing various strategies, we managed to increase conversion volume during sales by 30% by strategically allocating more spending during the first and last week of the promotion, as well as adding a sense of urgency to the ad messaging towards the end of the promotion.

  • Overall, our tactics included:
  • Geo-specific optimizations
  • Regular creative updates
  • Merging awareness campaigns with retargeting
  • Instilling urgency in ad copy
  • Strategic budget allocation during sales
  • Audience experimentation

These methods led to improvements in key marketing metrics and business growth in terms of both purchases and revenue. In under half a year, we redirected Synchro Arts to a positive ROAS path.

Interested in scaling your paid advertising on social media, like Synchro Arts? Contact us and let’s craft your success story.