Best SaaS Pricing Page Examples and Why They Convert

Ana Milanova-Lindsey
September 2, 2024
Digital Strategy

For any SaaS brand, the pricing page is the end zone where your marketing qualified leads either make a purchasing decision or bounce. Once your leads are on your pricing page, they’re ready to convert and it’s up to you to close the deal.

As every other aspect of your marketing and sales work is focused on communicating your value and driving people to try your services, the pricing page can make or break that experience. See 13 exquisite SaaS pricing page examples and what you can learn from them.

But First: Do You Need a Pricing Page?

As a SaaS company, your product and service are unique solutions. The main part of SaaS marketing is communicating your solution's value, positioning, and use cases. And yet, when it comes to tiered SaaS pricing packages, it's hard to convey the differences in plans to users who haven't experienced your product yet.

As a result, many SaaS brands struggle to communicate and justify their pricing tiers. Sometimes they even opt for not disclosing their pricing and taking the lead to a demo or sales call instead.

In any case, when your prospects are comparing their options, having a simple, clear, and persuasive pricing page can really nudge them to take action. Remember, even if your sales processes are flawless, missing or unclear pricing pages can turn off potential customers.

What Should a Price Page Include?

By the time your prospects reach your pricing page, they’re looking for cut-and-dry comparison points that will help them make a purchasing decision. The perfect SaaS pricing page has these 2 essential elements:

  • Positioning that aligns with the right customers.
  • A mix of features based on the customer needs.

You could either create separate pricing plans for your main Ideal Customer Profiles or create tiers based on seats and product usage. For each pricing plan, include a breakdown of what features are available and how they can be used.

SaaS Pricing Page Example 1: Align Each Pricing Option With One Buyer Persona

Here is a pricing page example from Carta, showing pricing options for companies in various maturity stages. This equity management platform communicates specific values to each of them, making it easy for the user to understand which plan would better suit their needs.

Source: Carta

SaaS Pricing Page Example 2: Communicate Clearly the Value of Your Pricing Tiers

Baremetric, a SaaS metric software, forecasting, and engagement tool, has a pricing page that brilliantly communicates the main difference in their pricing.

All their plans give you payment metrics, but you can choose to also automate recovery of failed payments, or even get cancellation insights from churning customers. When visiting their pricing page, a prospect can quickly decide which plan is right for them, without even going through the features list and comparing options.

Source: Baremetrics

SaaS Pricing Page Example 3: Per-Seat and Usage-Based Pricing

Any good pricing strategy attempts to scale with the amount of value provided to the customer. Because, in the end, your prospects should be able to connect with the unit of value in order to convert.

This is what makes per-user pricing a tried and true approach for SaaS businesses. Per-seat pricing is the most common pricing strategy for SaaS companies. Zoom has a classic per-seat pricing strategy, clearly communicated on their website.

Source: Zoom

Another example of user-based pricing comes from Airmeet – the virtual events platform has an interactive pricing page, inviting users to specify what size of events they plan to host.

Source: Airmeet

SaaS Pricing Page Example 4: Features-Based Pricing

What differentiates Evernote's Basic, Premium, and Business packages is the different range of features on offer. Features-based pricing pages offer motivation for upgrading – users can "unlock" new functionalities with each upgrade.

Source: Еvernote

SaaS Pricing Pages Tips

Besides pricing buckets and the list of features included in each plan, there are a few other elements to great SaaS pricing pages. We have gathered some pricing page tips you can lean on.

Center Your Pricing Around Your Value Metric

Choose a relatable value metric and base your pricing plan on it – this is how you show potential customers what value you bring them for their buck. For example, if you are selling a SaaS subscription-based product, you can charge per user, per usage, and even for data storage. Besides Zoom and Airmeet, here are a few more examples of utilizing the value metric on your SaaS pricing page:

Vimeo, a video platform, bases its subscription plans on the number of collaborators, as well as the storage limits they’d use for creating and managing their video content.

Source: Vimeo

Slack is a great example of charging not per seat, but per active user – no matter how many users you pay for, you'll only be charged for those that actually use the software.

Source: Slack

Use a Strong Headline on Your Pricing Page

The pricing page is the place to seal the deal – don’t underestimate the messaging in your headline and copy. The headline and subheader should communicate a clear value proposition.

The job of the headline is to translate emotion, strike the right tone with the user, and relate to your business’s values.

Here is how Hubspot does it:

Source: Hubspot

And another example from – short and to the point:

Source: Pleo

Encourage Annual Payment Plans

Annual Payment options are always preferable for SaaS businesses – they improve ARR, could reduce churn rates, and are less of a hassle than monthly payments. So make sure you’re nudging your leads towards the annual payment plan.

For example, Trello’s pricing plans show the annual payment subscription, while the monthly option is presented with smaller letters underneath. The price difference can quickly convince users to choose the annual option.

Source: Trello

Another great example is from the social media tool Buffer – their pricing page interactively shows users how much they would save if they choose the annual option. The invitation to choose the year plan is highlighted with a strong microcopy – “Save up to 20%,” and the pricing changes dynamically when the user selects this option.

Source: Buffer

Include FAQs to Help Users Stay on Your Pricing Page

Don’t risk your prospects bouncing off your pricing page to find some specific information. Consult your sales team and include a section with frequently asked questions. By addressing their most common concerns on the spot, you’ll make sure they are only one click away from making a purchase.

Zendesk’s pricing page, which incorporates many of the best practices we’ve touched on, also has a list of useful FAQs. Helping users get answers to their most pressing questions is a win-win move, as long as you identify what these questions are.

Source: Zendesk

Keep Your Pricing Pages Simple

According to the SaaS DNA Project: The Anatomy of SaaS Marketing Site, SaaS websites can often be confusing for visitors who may leave without finding the information they are looking for. This is why the pages of the website need to be kept simple and informative.

The pricing page should be straightforward - it should clearly indicate what each plan offers, what features they include, and at what price. It should also give enough information to the users to help them make an informed decision.

Keeping the page and the process simple shows users exactly what they are paying for and makes them feel in control. If there is even a pinch of uncertainty, potential customers will not convert.Here is an example from the task-management app Asana – their pricing page is simple, clear, and persuasive.

Source: Asana

How Do You Create a Price Page?

Clear value, strong message, and intuitive design are at the heart of any effective SaaS pricing page. If your SaaS prospects get stuck in the decision stage and don't convert, maybe it’s time to take another look at how you present your offer and pricing.

Analyze which features have the highest conversion rates and get the most usage, revisit your ideal customer profiles, and align with their value metrics.

You can do one more thing to help users exit the deliberation phase and take action – make use of social psychology and apply cognitive biases to your SaaS pricing page.

Ana Milanova-Lindsey

Head of Content

I lead the Content team and make sure the content you create is worth the effort. I help you grow and nourish your audience, and make users convert.