8 Mobile Marketing Tips to Attract B2B Buyers

Ana Milanova-Lindsey
July 18, 2024
Digital Strategy

Mobile marketing has become extremely powerful for consumer marketing, with a huge focus on mobile applications, text messaging, social media, and more. If you’re focusing on B2B, however, you might not think that these tools are nearly as effective.

To help you get started with mobile B2B marketing, here are eight ways you can start attracting buyers immediately:

Leverage Text Message Marketing

You might be hesitant to start a text message marketing campaign for your B2B customers, but there isn’t any better way to reach your audience when you have important information. Within minutes of being sent, 98% of all text messages have already been opened. Even if you don’t want to send out regular marketing messages, it’s worthwhile to implement SMS marketing when you have a message they just can’t miss.

Offer Incentives Besides Discounts

B2B customers can be sensitive to price, but they usually need a little more than a coupon to make a purchasing decision. Utilize mobile channels like text messaging or apps to provide some additional value besides discounts. Some examples of these benefits are industry updates and information, reminders, or shipping information.

Develop a Mobile Application

On average, people spend more than half of their mobile device usage directly in mobile applications. If you don’t have an app, you’re going to lose out on a lot of their time spend. If you don’t have a mobile application and don’t think developing one makes sense, harness this knowledge by building your footprint on social media platforms with popular apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Utilize Location-Based Marketing

Location is just as important in B2B as it is B2C. You’ll be able to ship to them faster and get on-location quickly in an emergency. You understand the intricacies of their business location, allowing you to serve them and their customers better. To take advantage of this, use your mobile app to send push notifications when somebody is nearby. At the very least, you should use Facebook to specifically target businesses in your area.

Focus on Mobile SEO

Search engine optimization is more important for mobile users than anybody else. The average user takes action immediately after making a mobile search 73% of the time. That means that you need to optimize your website specifically for mobile users. Find out what your mobile audience searches for and focuses on optimizing your website for those terms. Most importantly, make sure everything functions perfectly on all smartphones and tablets.

Take Advantage of Dynamic Targeting

Dynamic targeting allows you to take the power of text messaging a step further. By automatically segmenting your audience and gathering information about them, you’ll be able to target leads by things like interests and websites visited. You can even create SMS campaigns that send a message automatically once somebody reaches certain criteria and is filed under a particular segment.

Gather Registrations in a Variety of Channels

When you’re working in a B2B environment, you’ll meet customers in a wide variety of ways. You’ll meet people through referrals, at trade shows, and via your website. To truly take advantage of your mobile marketing, you’ll want to migrate all these users to mobile. As long as they opt-in, you can use the right SMS subscription tools to migrate and manage all these users no matter where their registration occurred.

Make Email More Effective With Videos

Two-thirds of all emails are opened on mobile devices, making email an important part of your mobile strategy. One of the best ways to improve the effectiveness of your emails is by using the power of video.

All you need to do is create a video for your emails and advertise it in the subject line. Doing this will have a dramatic improvement on opens, click throughs, and opt-outs.

Ana Milanova-Lindsey

Head of Content

I lead the Content team and make sure the content you create is worth the effort. I help you grow and nourish your audience, and make users convert.
