Radius Payment Solutions had a great boost

Discover how Radius Payment Solutions achieved a 7x increase in B2B leads through a transformative multilingual inbound marketing strategy.
Paid Social
7x B2B Lead Growth
80% Percentage of Total Lead Volumes from Digital Marketing
7000 Leads Per Week

Challenge: Digital Transformation for an Outbound Sales Organization

Radius Payment Solutions is Europe’s leading provider of fuel cards and telematics solutions. With over 700 salespeople spread across 13 countries, the company has built a dominant market position by relying almost entirely on traditional outbound marketing since its founding in 1990.

When Radius approached Hop Online in 2016, the company had begun to realize that cold calling, brochure mailers, and other methods of untargeted mass marketing were quickly losing their effectiveness. Competitors were closing the gap through more nimble digital marketing strategies.

Solution: Multilingual Inbound Marketing

Hop Online started by optimizing the bottom of the marketing funnel where intent, demand, and potential ROI was the highest — paid search. We consolidated and aligned Google Ads accounts in 7 countries and languages, and brought consistency, organization, and scalability to the PPC process. In doing so, we massively expanded keywords and reach, rewrote hundreds of contextual ads, and optimized dozens of landing pages in each respective local language.

Next, we introduced Facebook Ads to the marketing mix and quickly rolled out robust accounts in all countries. We built custom Facebook remarketing audiences based on current leads and customers, and created effective ad creatives that stimulated interest from qualified Facebook users.

After maximizing advertising opportunities on Google and Facebook, the team turned its attention to organic SEO. We implemented a multilingual content marketing solution publishing unique and high quality content for the fuel card industry in multiple languages each week.

Results: 7x Increase in B2B Leads

Within 2 years of our partnership, Radius has seen online-generated leads climb from 1,000 to over 7,000 per week globally. Inbound leads from digital marketing campaigns, once nearly non-existent, today represent over 80% of the company’s total lead volumes. Hop Online continues to lead Radius on a dynamic journey of digital transformation and growth.